Your safety is our top priority
Failure to follow any of the Rules or Procedures listed here, or failure to follow orders or instructions by a Range Safety Officer (RSO) or any Buffalo Range staff will be cause for immediate ejection from the property. The rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Enforcement of the rules is the sole discretion of Buffalo Range staff.
Falsification of personal information on Buffalo Range Shooting Park waivers.
Bringing in glass, metal, or other hard targets, tracers, incendiary, explosive ammunition, explosive targets, or metal targets.
Shooting at or above a barrier device, at target stand markers, or range property (ie, mesh netting, tables, chairs, stands, etc).
Shooting at anything other than approved targets.
Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs of any kind on the property.
Buffalo Range reserves the right to use your photograph for advertising and social media purposes.
Verbal or physical attacks towards other shooters or RSOs/Staff. This will also be reported to local law enforcement.
Inappropriate conduct of any kind.
Damage to any property will be subject to arrest and prosecution for criminal damage to property.
Treat all guns as though they are loaded
Keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction and never at anything you do not intend to shoot
Keep your finger off the trigger until the sights are aligned on target and you have made a conscious decision to shoot
Know your target and what is around, beyond and in between you and the target
The speed limit is 5mph.
50 cal. BMG is not allowed.
Everyone, including non-shooters, must sign in before entering the shooting range.
Shooters under 18 years of age can discharge weapons only with individual supervision by an adult.
All range breaks (ceasefires) will be called by the Range Safety Officer (RSO) on duty. During that time all CEASEFIRE Rules are in effect.
For your safety, Eye and Ear protection is required at all times while on any of our ranges, even if you are not firing a weapon.
Concealed firearms are to be kept concealed at all times.
Drawing from holsters is NOT allowed on the ranges.
Keep aisles and walkways clear of equipment and gun cases.
Pick up your trash and place it in the allocated trash cans and containers provided.
All firearms must be transported to the firing line unloaded.
Paper targets are the only targets allowed to be brought onto our Rifle Range.
All targets must be placed directly onto the cardboard backers. Do not cover the wood frames with your target.
Cardboard backers are to be installed only by RSO’s.
No rapid fire is allowed on the rifle range, a 2 second pause between each shot is strictly enforced.
No hip-shots or off-hand shots. You must use the benches while shooting.
No crossfire or shooting targets other than your own.
Firearms being moved to and from the parking areas must be empty, action open, and cased.
Tampering with or willfully damaging the clay throwers will be cause for immediate and permanent ejection from the property!
No hand-held clay throwers allowed.
Thrown targets are limited to clay targets and can only be fired at with a shotgun using #7 1/2, #8, and #9 shot USING ONLY a dedicated clay thrower station at The Pit.
If you accidentally drop any item past the tables, do not reach over or under the tables to retrieve them. Notify the RSO immediately if this occurs.
Shooters are not allowed to retrieve unbroken clay targets from the field in front of the trap area.
Only clay targets are allowed to be used on the throwers.
If you are having a problem with the clay throwers or if one if broken, notify the RSO immediately! Do not attempt to repair or adjust any of the clay throwers.
Actions must be open, chambers clear, and muzzles pointed downwards.
You must step behind the line and remain behind the line for the duration of the ceasefire.
There is absolutely no handling of firearms during the ceasefire.
Wait until the range is released by the RSO, before going down range to change targets.
Periodic cease fires will be conducted at the discretion of the range safety officer. During a cease fire, all firearms must be in the following configuration:
UNLOADED and placed on the table with muzzle pointed downrange or placed in the rack with muzzle pointed up
Actions must be open WITH CHAMBER SAFETY FLAG INSERTED IN CHAMBER and magazines removed if possible (if not possible then UNLOADED).
Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times by shooters and spectators.
Targets you place in The Pit must be below the upper safety barrier flags (yellow ribbon) and within 16 feet from the base of the berm (which will be marked utility poles). The area described above is also referred to as the “target area”. ALL SHOOTING MUST BE DONE INSIDE THE MARKED “TARGET AREA” Shooting of any object or area outside the of the marked target area is grounds for permanent ejection from Buffalo Range Shooting Park property.
No hanging targets or metal targets which would cause a ricochet are permitted in The Pit
In addition to metal targets, no glass or aerosols, nor any explosive or incendiary targets can be brought to The Pit. ALL OBJECTS PLACED IN THE PIT MUST BE INSPECTED BY A RANGE SAFETY OFFICER PRIOR TO BEING PLACED IN THE PIT.
No Cross firing is allowed at anytime! Shooters will not exceed 15 degrees from each shoulder
Rapid firing is allowed as long as it is controlled and ALL impacts are in the marked target area. If a Range Safety Officer determines a shooter cannot control their shots, they may instruct the shooter to stop rapid firing. Rapid firing where any of the shots leave the dedicated target area is grounds for PERMANENT EJECTION from Buffalo Range Shooting Park property.
All firearms must be transported to the firing line UNLOADED AND CASED.
No drawing from the holster is permitted
Can I bring a guest who does not have a FOID (firearm owner identification) card?
Yes. One FOID card holder can sign for two Illinois residents, as long as the residents ability to acquire a FOID has not been denied or revoked.
If I am an out of state resident, can I shoot at your range?
Yes, any out of state resident can shoot at Buffalo Range with a proper state ID or passport.
Do I need a reservation?
No, we are the largest outdoor range in Illinois on over 50 acres and have 10 different ranges. Outside of special events, finding space is not an issue, therefore we do not require reservations.
What is the minimum age for children to shoot at your range?
There is no minimum age requirement to shoot at our range. We encourage shooters of all ages. We do, however, require that it is done safely and under the supervision of the parents or guardian. At any time we feel that it is not being done safely, we will ask you to stop.
Can I bring my own gun, ammo, targets, etc.?
Yes, we also have a full line of rental firearms, ammunition, targets, clays and accessories available.
Can I take photos and video at your range?
Yes. You can take photos and video at the range, however safe muzzle direction must be maintained at all times. Eye and ear protection must be worn. If you would like a group photo that involves firearms, you must ask a RSO(range safety officer) before doing so.
Can I bring food and grills to the range?
Yes. You can bring food, coolers, grills and tents to Buffalo Range. You may grill in any of the areas off the firing line. You can use tents for shade while eating or while shooting at the Pit. We also offer food, drinks and snacks on-site. However, alcohol is not permitted on Buffalo Range property.
Can I shoot steel and aluminum cased ammo at your range?
Yes. You can shoot steel and aluminum cased ammo. You can also shoot green tip ammo.
Can I shoot my .50 BMG at your range?
No. Unfortunately, the State of Illinois will not allow .50 BMG to be shot at our range. Per the National Firearm Act, any bullet size over .50 inches is considered a destructive device or a military weapon. Since the 50 BMG is actually .510 inches, it is above the threshold to be considered a sporting rifle. However, black powder guns are exempt under this law.
What's the longest range?
Our 100 yard is the longest range we offer. This range offers both seated and prone shooting lanes.